justin mott | documentary photographer vietnam | victimS of agent orange

Documenting the Human Cost of War: Agent Orange Survivors in Vietnam

A Legacy of Toxicity: How Agent Orange Still Affects Vietnamese Families

The devastating effects of Agent Orange continue to haunt generations of Vietnamese families, decades after the Vietnam War. This documentary photography project explores the long-term consequences of dioxin exposure through a deeply personal and visual narrative, chronicling the lives of third-generation victims in northern Vietnam.

This photo essay intertwines two compelling stories:

First, the Ba Vi Orphanage and Elderly Home, near Hanoi, serves as a refuge for 124 children who were severely disabled and abandoned at birth. Many of these children are believed to be indirect casualties of Agent Orange, suffering from birth defects and lifelong disabilities. Their struggles highlight the enduring impact of chemical warfare on Vietnam’s youngest generation.

Secondly, the story shifts to Friendship Village, also near Hanoi, where I first encountered Nu in 2007. Nu, a descendant of a Vietnam War veteran, represents the tragic legacy of Agent Orange—she is blind, mute, mostly deaf, and also lives with autism. In 2008, a photography exhibition was organized to raise funds, ensuring Nu could remain at Friendship Village, where she receives daily care. To this day, we maintain a cherished tradition: visiting Nu annually to bring her home for the Lunar New Year, ensuring she continues to receive the love and support she deserves.

Through documentary photography, this project aims to shed light on the human cost of war, capturing the resilience, hardship, and dignity of those affected. These images serve as a visual call to action, raising awareness about the long-lasting consequences of Agent Orange and the need for continued humanitarian support.

If you’re interested in publishing, collaborating, or supporting this project, let’s connect.

You can read more about my connection with Nu here and click below to donate to the Friendship Village.

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